
Housing issues provide greatest motivator for relocation in U.S.

Recent analysis of census data by John Burns Real Estate Consulting reveals that the majority of Americans move for reasons directly related to housing, as opposed to jobs, family or any other factor, according to Inman News. A separate migration survey from United Van Lines showed the greatest number of people leaving the Northeast, while Washington, D.C. had the greatest inbound migration. Chris Porter of John Burns Real Estate Consulting, who performed the census analysis, separated the reasons people move into four main categories: family-related, work-related, housing-related, and “other.” The “other” group includes factors ranging from finishing college to health reasons and natural disasters. The analysis from John Burns Real Estate Consulting showed that the number of homeowners moving for housing-related reasons peaked in 2003, when it accounted for nearly 60 percent of all reasons listed. From there, the number steadily declined through 2010, reaching a low point just above 40 percent.

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