
Mesa vies for major employers at Gateway

Mesa is in the running for a handful of high-impact business deals that could bring thousands of jobs to the Gateway area, Mayor Scott Smith said. "We have seen a marked increase in inquiries and activities and interest in the Gateway airport area," Smith said this week in a briefing with reporters. "We do have two or three major initiatives in the area, one of which is a significant employer. We are in competition with other states and right now this major company is talking about Mesa versus another state." That employer, whose identity he would not divulge, would account for thousands of jobs - a major step toward Mesa's goal of turning Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport into an economic hub with at least 100,000 high-wage jobs. Mesa is much closer to finalizing deals with two smaller companies whose job counts would be in the hundreds, Smith said. "They're coming to the airport because of what it has to offer, and they are aerospace-related," Smith said. Smith hopes the deals can be announced within a month. In other matters related to the airport area:

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